Warrior Women for Christ
Vision Statement:
A warrior is that woman who gets up despite the enemy trying to destroy her. A woman who declares victory before seeing it. A woman who believes she receives her miracles, because she knows the Lord she serves is alive and powerful.
Mission Statement:
Our Ladies’ Ministry supports the greater mission of Evangel Church of God by providing financial, material and emotional support to various charities and Christian organizations, to nurture a personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Membership is open to all women who attend our church; there are no membership requirements.
President: Zelia Miller
Activities we participate in include:
Sending Easter and Thanksgiving cards to Pastor’s wives in the state of Florida who are widows
Providing Christmas stockings for the veterans in hospice care at the local VA Hospital
Pregnancy Care Center support
Church of God Youth Ranch in Ocala
VBS for our church
Our church parsonage (repairs and major upkeep)
Evangel Church kitchen, fellowship and bathroom supplies
Food Trailer for Olustee Festival (tag, repairs and upkeep)
Activities we sponsor:
Our major fund raiser each year is selling chicken and yellow rice at the Olustee Festival in Lake City.
We also conduct semi-annual yard sales to provide funding for VBS and Fall Festival for youth.
Evangel Ladies’ Ministry encourages women to fulfill their callings to a God-given ministry of discipleship, stewardship and servant leadership. We empower women to pursue a passionate, growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and to respond with gratitude for that relationship by serving others through prayer, Bible study and discipleship, reaching others for Christ. If you would like be a volunteer with our Ladies’ Ministry, please complete the form below: